Monday, 8 August 2011

13 weeks 1 day

Something is going on in my insides. I can't possibly be feeling any baby movements YET can I? I have only just had my lunch so am quite willing to believe that there is some radical digestive commotion happening beneath my ribcage but honestly, I am assuming it's to do with my little buns. Sweet now, maybe, but what if they are this active at 28 weeks? I will be forever jerking about and clasping my belly with firm hands in attempts to quell the obvious judderings. And I'll be getting even less sleep than I am now. Oh cripes....


multiplemummy said...

Congratulations on your twin pregnancy! Thank you for coming over. How are you feeling? I was so sick with mine. I am on twitter @MultipleMummy if you fancy saying hello! x

Kathryn said...

thankyou! Am following you already and hoping to get lots of top tips along the way :) I am kathryn_leak.
Sickness seems to have gone away mostly thank god - I am just exhausted ALL the time....